My last day at FPP. The week has gone very fast. I can without doubt say I have enjoyed my time here and it's definately been worth while. I was also given some good news... they would have me back should I wish to return :D
Today I have been working on a brief for Pringles crisps. The brief was to produce a piece of packaging that would be given out to prospective clients of Pringles. Like a free-bee pack informing the client of what Pringles have to offer, why they should invest in them to sell their product and a free tube of Pringels. The majority of this development was researching into the product and then producing design sheets for it visualising how the product would come together. It was great because today I had chance to speak to different people and see what they do rather than just get my head down and work. So I had a bit of both sides, interaction and designing. I was surprised to find that the two guys that sit at the oppostie end of the studio to me were actually 3D designers. When I spoke to them about what they did, it barely had anything to do with the type of design that I'm used to and interested in. All this was to change though because I found that I was interested in what they do! Not my skill set but interesting all the same. I also spoke to the junior designer about her background, qualifications and how she made it into the industry with portfolio advice. So all in all although I didnt get chance to do any digital designing I had a great day. And it just so happened that there was a pub night planned and an early finish and they invited me to the pub after too! Apparently this doesnt happen every Friday (I bet) and it was just a special occasion they hold every once in a while that coincidently coincided with a bit of a leaving doo for the copy writer. Great fun as I managed to speak to the staff that are in the studio next door who deal with the production of all the products and make sure that all the designs 'run.' This side of production is an interest of mine and I woud like to sit in their side if I return next time. So all in all a great week and very educational :D
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