Monday, June 14, 2010
Finally I've ordered them!
FINALLY I have got around to ordering myself some business cards to be printed up. I've dallied about for ages putting it off and with the end of year show looming ever nearer I've manned up and done it. They should arrive in 3 working days. I'm very excited :D
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Who do I want to work for?
I've found this really difficult. Only until recently have I begun to realise that I want to focus solely on illustration. I have been furthering my Illustrator skills throughout the year in the hope that my illustrative specialism would show through. These are some of the companies I have been looking at and contacting for placements since the summer of 2nd year.
Definitive Creative
At the moment I'm struggling a bit with where I want to be and what I'm going to do next. Ideally I would like to freelance as an illustrator and build up relationships with my own clients. Said clients would then commission me into illustrate for current projects. What I'm in the process of doing now is finding my style, my feet, my confidence and the people in which I would be appropriate to work for.
Definitive Creative
Jammy Design
Elmwood Ideas
Print Club London
At the moment I'm struggling a bit with where I want to be and what I'm going to do next. Ideally I would like to freelance as an illustrator and build up relationships with my own clients. Said clients would then commission me into illustrate for current projects. What I'm in the process of doing now is finding my style, my feet, my confidence and the people in which I would be appropriate to work for.
I have recently just joined the Behance network. I haven't got a great deal of work up there yet but I have managed to get a bit of work on so that I can broadcast a portfolio. I want to come back and review the pieces that are up there once I have finished my FMP and have a little more time to play about with my self promo work. Serves me well for the time being!
New CV
75, Main Street,
YO26 6QG
Mobile: +44 (0) 7731831802
A creative third year graphic design student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in illustration. Excellent interpersonal/communication skills as evidenced below. Social, sporting and outgoing. Proven ability to work both independently and in a team successfully. Honest and
reliable. Creative and an adaptable and flexible quick learner. Able to work under pressure to tight deadlines and encourage good customer relations.
Leeds College of Art 2007-2010
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
York College 2004-2007
Foundation Art – Specialising in Graphic Design
AS Levels:
AS Level Music
Alevel Fine Art and Design – B
Alevel Media Studies - B
Alevel English Language – C
Manor C.E. School, York 1999-2004
Design Technology – A
(Graphic Products)
Art and Design – A
English Language – A
English Literature – B
Physical Education – B
Religious Education – C
German – C
Mathematics – C
Co-ordinated Sciences – CC
• Grade 5 Jazz Saxophone
• Grade 5 Violin
• Grade 3 Violin
• Grade 1 Electric Guitar
• Illustration
• Graphic Design
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe InDesign
• Graphic Design
• Photography
• Illustration
• Music
• Work placement – student designer
Space Creative, Selby - 2009
• Work placement – student designer
FPP, Newcastle - 2009
• Work placement – student designer
International Summer Camp Montana, Switzerland - 2007, 2009, 2010
• Specialist youth counsellor in charge of group welfare
• Lead and helped to organise of themed sporting and social events
GNER, York Station - 2003
• Work experience, training with a variety of station teams.
Participated in training with the train dispatch teams and platform safety. Travelled and worked with the Newcastle on board train crew. Shadowing train announcers and working in the ticket office. Worked in Studio9 and GNER offices with promotional team and finance. Assisted with information and customer services.
Date of Birth: 11th May 1988
Marital Status: Single
Driving Licence: Full clean licence
References: Provided on request
I have just updated my CV to the above. I found it really quite difficult to narrow it down to just this. My previous CV wasn't very 'Graphic Designy' and had all my other jobs on like bar maids, waitressing, gyms etc and hobbies and interests. I think it still needs editing as I'm not overly sure everything that's on it is relevant nor am I sure I have gone into enough detail about my design skills... Anyhoo this is what I have so far.
Business Card Design
Philip Lester
Pablo Alfieri
Andrew Townsend
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I have recently set up a website for myself. I've chosen to build it with Indexhibit. So far it's been a bit of a stress to say the least and it's just the basic structure but I'm working on putting new work up all the time. Check it out!
Allan Deas - Interview
This is a guy who I've mentioned before on here. He's got a great website and some great work on there. Go check it out :)
I've also been in touch with him and while back and also very recently to ask him a few questions about his style of working and where he sees his work contextualised. He was a great help and got back to me straight away. Someone who I'd like to possibly maybe incorporate into my design context product. The communication we have had so far is as follows...
Re: Illustration
From: Allan Deas (
Sent: 21 April 2010 00:23:14
To: Liv Greaves (
Hi Olivia,
Thanks again for your continued interest!
In answer to your questions - I have been working in design for over 10 years doing illustration as well as graphics & apparel/print for the fashion industry.
I do work in vector though vector made from scanned drawings. I would describe my style as bold, block colours retro modern. fun. cheeky.... To be honest that's the question I hate! How would you describe it?
I had a quick look at your blogs... there are many!! looking good... :)
Anyway keep up the good work!
On 19 Apr 2010, at 16:38, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Allan,
Thanks for getting in touch with me earlier last year - Sorry for the lengthy gap in between now and then!! I am still really interested in having a chat with you about your work. I am currently doing a bit of research into vector based graphic illustration. I was wondering how you would describe your style and if I might be able to ask you a bit about vector illustration? How long have you been working as an illustrator? Vector illustration is what I would like to do myself and I am currently looking at where this kind of work can be contextualised. Would you be able to help? This is a link to my blog home page:
Would you be able to have a peek and tell me what you think?
Many thanks,
I look forward to hearing back from you soon,
Olivia Greaves.
Subject: Re: Illustration
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 22:53:22 +0100
Hi Liv
Cool - yes feel free to send me some or a link to your website/myspace etc.
I do freelance, though freelancing does require working with other designers/art directors etc. I used to share a studio with other illustrators but now I work on my own from home.
If you have some things you particularly want to know then make a list of questions and I'll try & answer them when I get a chance.
I'm off on holiday tomorrow for a few weeks so will look at it when I come back and hopefully I can help you with your queries.
On 26 May 2009, at 22:45, Liv Greaves wrote:
Thanks for getting in touch so soon!
Well, I'm currently working on some illustrations of my own and wondered if it would be possible to perhaps send you some and see what you think of them. Do you work with any other illustrators or designers or do you just freelance? I'm really into tshirt graphics myself but didn't know if my own illustrations were strong enough. I'm currently studying graphic design at The College of Art in Leeds and leaning more towards practice in illustration and image making.
It would be great to learn a bit about your way of working and design generation.
Subject: Re: Illustration
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 16:17:58 +0100
Hi Olivia
Thanks for your interest in my work. Glad you like it!
I'm based in East London.
What was it you wanted to know? At the moment I'm working on a tshirt graphics project as I do that as well as the illustration but I'm really trying to push for more illustration work as that's the direction I want to go in.
If you were interested in working with me let me know what you had in mind and we can take it from there.
On 26 May 2009, at 16:07, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Allan,
I was accidently directed to your website today, searching for a piece of illustration and I must say it was a very pleasant surprise! What a fabulous blog and website you have. Your style of illustration is exactly what I love and I would love it if I could possibly have a chat with you or get in touch about illustration and your work. Where abouts are you based? And what other projects do you work on?
Would be great if you could get in touch.
Many thanks,
Olivia Greaves.
I've also been in touch with him and while back and also very recently to ask him a few questions about his style of working and where he sees his work contextualised. He was a great help and got back to me straight away. Someone who I'd like to possibly maybe incorporate into my design context product. The communication we have had so far is as follows...
Re: Illustration
From: Allan Deas (
Sent: 21 April 2010 00:23:14
To: Liv Greaves (
Hi Olivia,
Thanks again for your continued interest!
In answer to your questions - I have been working in design for over 10 years doing illustration as well as graphics & apparel/print for the fashion industry.
I do work in vector though vector made from scanned drawings. I would describe my style as bold, block colours retro modern. fun. cheeky.... To be honest that's the question I hate! How would you describe it?
I had a quick look at your blogs... there are many!! looking good... :)
Anyway keep up the good work!
On 19 Apr 2010, at 16:38, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Allan,
Thanks for getting in touch with me earlier last year - Sorry for the lengthy gap in between now and then!! I am still really interested in having a chat with you about your work. I am currently doing a bit of research into vector based graphic illustration. I was wondering how you would describe your style and if I might be able to ask you a bit about vector illustration? How long have you been working as an illustrator? Vector illustration is what I would like to do myself and I am currently looking at where this kind of work can be contextualised. Would you be able to help? This is a link to my blog home page:
Would you be able to have a peek and tell me what you think?
Many thanks,
I look forward to hearing back from you soon,
Olivia Greaves.
Subject: Re: Illustration
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 22:53:22 +0100
Hi Liv
Cool - yes feel free to send me some or a link to your website/myspace etc.
I do freelance, though freelancing does require working with other designers/art directors etc. I used to share a studio with other illustrators but now I work on my own from home.
If you have some things you particularly want to know then make a list of questions and I'll try & answer them when I get a chance.
I'm off on holiday tomorrow for a few weeks so will look at it when I come back and hopefully I can help you with your queries.
On 26 May 2009, at 22:45, Liv Greaves wrote:
Thanks for getting in touch so soon!
Well, I'm currently working on some illustrations of my own and wondered if it would be possible to perhaps send you some and see what you think of them. Do you work with any other illustrators or designers or do you just freelance? I'm really into tshirt graphics myself but didn't know if my own illustrations were strong enough. I'm currently studying graphic design at The College of Art in Leeds and leaning more towards practice in illustration and image making.
It would be great to learn a bit about your way of working and design generation.
Subject: Re: Illustration
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 16:17:58 +0100
Hi Olivia
Thanks for your interest in my work. Glad you like it!
I'm based in East London.
What was it you wanted to know? At the moment I'm working on a tshirt graphics project as I do that as well as the illustration but I'm really trying to push for more illustration work as that's the direction I want to go in.
If you were interested in working with me let me know what you had in mind and we can take it from there.
On 26 May 2009, at 16:07, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Allan,
I was accidently directed to your website today, searching for a piece of illustration and I must say it was a very pleasant surprise! What a fabulous blog and website you have. Your style of illustration is exactly what I love and I would love it if I could possibly have a chat with you or get in touch about illustration and your work. Where abouts are you based? And what other projects do you work on?
Would be great if you could get in touch.
Many thanks,
Olivia Greaves.
Damien Weighill - Interview
Damien Weighill is another illustrator who I take great inspiration from. I think the way in which he incorporates humour and illustration together to put across even very serious current public controversy and events is fantastic. What initially draws me in, is his use of line and how he uses it to add depth to his work. I'm instantly drawn to black line illustration at the best of times, but there is the added bonus of humour in his work too which really makes me smile. He also has a great website with loads more of his work up on which I advise to check out if you like this style of work...
It contains all events and updates of his work along with the work itself, a link to his shop, blog and contact details.
Because I have been so inspired by the work of Damien, I have contacted him to see if he might be able to help with my design context and I would like to possibly feature him within my design context product. This is the communication we have shared so far as part of my research...
Re: Illustration Inquiry
From: Damien Weighill (
Sent: 20 April 2010 16:03:12
To: Liv Greaves (
I think that's the difference between being a graphic designer and
being an illustrator. When someone comes to me with a project it has
already been decided that my drawings fit the brief. My work is never
going to be appropriate for every situation but I'm unlikely to be
approached for those jobs where it's not suitable.
Lately the majority of my work is editorial for magazines and my
illustration seems to fit comfortably with that kind of job. Being
pretty simple there isn't much problem meeting their tight deadlines
and they tend to like to have some kind of interesting twist on the
articles by an illustrator which is great for me.
(+44) 07920 844 545
On 20 Apr 2010, at 14:56, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Damien,
Thanks so much, that was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to get back to me and check out my blog. Similarly I work predominantly in illustrator and I find the ease of it to be very helpful too. Do you find it difficult to put your work in context or do you find the resolution just works with the idea you have behind the work you are producing? I seem to find that I instantly want to resolve a brief by illustrating but then feel worried that the resolution might not fit appropriately to a context because I get carried away doodling! Do you feel your work has particular areas of context it works stronger in and that you try to work to those, or do you find it easy to contextualize your work everywhere? Where/where would you say your work works best?
Subject: Re: Illustration Inquiry
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:37:42 +0100
Hey Olivia,
Thanks for the email.
The question of defining my illustration style is actually a really tough one for me. The part of my work where my interest lies is in the ideas. The style of the work is only secondary and I guess is ruled by what comes most naturally to me and what allows me to get my ideas across in the most efficient way. That's probably where vector illustration fits for me. I find I can colour illustrations with the least hassle in adobe illustrator. The same goes for the ease with which you can make adjustments to size etc. I'm also drawn to vectors just because it gives a pureness of colour in my linework that suits me.
I'm never sure how qualified I am to make judgements on people's work but the What Is Good Promo Pack stands out for me because of the humour and smart thinking behind it. I like the amount of detail you use in that stuff too (the same with 'I won't have my cake..'). The only advice I have is to continue with how you're going, produce as much work as you can and I think you will find that your style will define itself naturally.
I hope some of that is useful to you or at least makes sense.
(+44) 07920 844 545
On 19 Apr 2010, at 17:19, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Damien,
I have recently been checking out your website and illustration. Wow. I'm really into the work that you produce and wondered if I might be able to ask you a few questions about it? How would you define your style of illustration? What do you understand vector illustration to be? I'm currently looking into vector based graphic illustration and trying to find out where it can be contextualized for this style of work. I'm trying to define my own style of illustration and looking at the work of those I find really inspirational. Would you mind taking a quick look at my work? This is a link to my blog home page and on there you can find the links to other pages: Any feedback on my style of work would be great and I can't stress how helpful.
Many thanks,
I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest
Olivia Greaves.
It contains all events and updates of his work along with the work itself, a link to his shop, blog and contact details.
Because I have been so inspired by the work of Damien, I have contacted him to see if he might be able to help with my design context and I would like to possibly feature him within my design context product. This is the communication we have shared so far as part of my research...
Re: Illustration Inquiry
From: Damien Weighill (
Sent: 20 April 2010 16:03:12
To: Liv Greaves (
I think that's the difference between being a graphic designer and
being an illustrator. When someone comes to me with a project it has
already been decided that my drawings fit the brief. My work is never
going to be appropriate for every situation but I'm unlikely to be
approached for those jobs where it's not suitable.
Lately the majority of my work is editorial for magazines and my
illustration seems to fit comfortably with that kind of job. Being
pretty simple there isn't much problem meeting their tight deadlines
and they tend to like to have some kind of interesting twist on the
articles by an illustrator which is great for me.
(+44) 07920 844 545
On 20 Apr 2010, at 14:56, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Damien,
Thanks so much, that was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to get back to me and check out my blog. Similarly I work predominantly in illustrator and I find the ease of it to be very helpful too. Do you find it difficult to put your work in context or do you find the resolution just works with the idea you have behind the work you are producing? I seem to find that I instantly want to resolve a brief by illustrating but then feel worried that the resolution might not fit appropriately to a context because I get carried away doodling! Do you feel your work has particular areas of context it works stronger in and that you try to work to those, or do you find it easy to contextualize your work everywhere? Where/where would you say your work works best?
Subject: Re: Illustration Inquiry
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:37:42 +0100
Hey Olivia,
Thanks for the email.
The question of defining my illustration style is actually a really tough one for me. The part of my work where my interest lies is in the ideas. The style of the work is only secondary and I guess is ruled by what comes most naturally to me and what allows me to get my ideas across in the most efficient way. That's probably where vector illustration fits for me. I find I can colour illustrations with the least hassle in adobe illustrator. The same goes for the ease with which you can make adjustments to size etc. I'm also drawn to vectors just because it gives a pureness of colour in my linework that suits me.
I'm never sure how qualified I am to make judgements on people's work but the What Is Good Promo Pack stands out for me because of the humour and smart thinking behind it. I like the amount of detail you use in that stuff too (the same with 'I won't have my cake..'). The only advice I have is to continue with how you're going, produce as much work as you can and I think you will find that your style will define itself naturally.
I hope some of that is useful to you or at least makes sense.
(+44) 07920 844 545
On 19 Apr 2010, at 17:19, Liv Greaves wrote:
Hi Damien,
I have recently been checking out your website and illustration. Wow. I'm really into the work that you produce and wondered if I might be able to ask you a few questions about it? How would you define your style of illustration? What do you understand vector illustration to be? I'm currently looking into vector based graphic illustration and trying to find out where it can be contextualized for this style of work. I'm trying to define my own style of illustration and looking at the work of those I find really inspirational. Would you mind taking a quick look at my work? This is a link to my blog home page and on there you can find the links to other pages: Any feedback on my style of work would be great and I can't stress how helpful.
Many thanks,
I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest
Olivia Greaves.
Hello NYC. July is the month. Visit plans are as follows...
New York, NY 10010
Design line: 212 255-4004
New York, NY 10075 USA
T: 212-744-5190
F: 212-744-0128
- Guggenheim
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Avenue (at 89th Street)
New York, NY 10128-0173
- The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 708-9400
164 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10010
Design line: 212 255-4004
'The New York Chapter is one of 57 chapters of AIGA, the professional association for design. There are more than 3,500 members of AIGA/NY and many more members of the community that regularly participate in AIGA/NY programming.'
- American Illustrators Gallery
18 East 77th Street, Suite 1ANew York, NY 10075 USA
T: 212-744-5190
F: 212-744-0128
'The American Illustrators Gallery (AIG) is the premier exhibitor, buyer and seller of American illustration art in the world. The American Illustrators Gallery features the foremost illustrators and exhibits only the highest-quality examples of their original artwork. International museums, auction houses, and the most renowned art dealers, refer connoisseurs, collectors, and educators alike to the American Illustrators Gallery.'
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Avenue (at 89th Street)
New York, NY 10128-0173
- The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 708-9400
Thursday, June 3, 2010
My Logo...For now...
It's just going to have to stick as it is. Every time I come back to it I feel differently about it and I know it will always be like this, so I'm going to go with it and get my business cards printed up this week for the end of year show. I just need to decided upon the following now:
- Stock, Matt/Gloss
- Weight, a minimum of 400gsm
- Colour of stock
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Logo Blues
I've gone off my logo.
Something needs to change. I've also seen something very similar by someone else and now it's bugging me that they look samey. I'm currently playing around with colour to see if that might help. Not really the best time to go off it as I really need to get them printed up. Especially for the end of year show. this was something else which was sort of embarrassing the other day when i had my portfolio review... I had nothing I could leave the gentlemen with when I left! Not good. Needs to be sorted ASAP.
Something needs to change. I've also seen something very similar by someone else and now it's bugging me that they look samey. I'm currently playing around with colour to see if that might help. Not really the best time to go off it as I really need to get them printed up. Especially for the end of year show. this was something else which was sort of embarrassing the other day when i had my portfolio review... I had nothing I could leave the gentlemen with when I left! Not good. Needs to be sorted ASAP.
Portfolio Review
I signed up to a portfolio surgery last week to speak to two visiting professionals from Elmwood in Leeds about my work. Surprisingly it went really well and they loved my illustrations! I do however had a LOT of work to do and amendments to make. Nothing too difficult though so I'm excited to begin. I got so much from it and found it really helpful. I went in thinking I was a graphic designer who specialises in vector illustration, however when I came out I knew that I hadn't been quite right and that my real passion lies as an illustrator. It was a valuable experience. They taught me to be more confident about my work, who I am and what I do. I shouldn't be afraid to make a living out of doing something I love and generally just drawing pictures. There are people out there who do just what I do and make a really good money from it. I just need to put myself out there and put across my work in it's best possible way. In the mean time I just need to keep developing my portfolio pages!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Portfolio Development
I'm currently trying to collate work to put into my portfolio. I'm struggling a bit however due to the fact I'm working in InDesign which I'm not very competent with. I'm also trying my best to keep consistency throughout my layouts by using the same template. Border, logo, brief description etc... So, these are some screen grabs of what I've put together so far.

I hope to get a sign up session with a visiting professional next week to see if they can advise me on how to improve it and make it look as professional as I can. (More FMP pages still to be added.)

I hope to get a sign up session with a visiting professional next week to see if they can advise me on how to improve it and make it look as professional as I can. (More FMP pages still to be added.)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Business Card Quotes
I've had responses back from: Generation Press, Wood & Richardson and Pressision. Each quote is very similar however, all quotes are way out of my price range. I thought this would be the problem I'd have... Now I need to either change my business cards to not be back to back if I want to try and pursue the block foiling effect or change my concept all together and get them printed with a spot UV varnish on them to make the whole thing cheaper. This puts me in a tricky situation because then I feel like I'm settling for second best if I go with the UV varnish finish as opposed to the foiling. Decisions decisions.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
New Portfolio
My new portfolio has arrived today!
I ordered it from:
I'm really excited to pick it up. I got it delivered to my home address in York because it had to be signed for and there was no guarantee that someone would be home at my flat for it. So I'll be able to collect it Thursday night when I go home. It's a black Prat Pampa display book described as:
Prat Pampa Book with Matt Polypropylene Sleeves 143
'Black or burgundy red bonded leather presentation book. The modular spiral mechanism opens and closes to add or replace sleeves. Soft deluxe bonded leather cover and lappet closure. Black protective cover inside. Includes 20 matt polypropylene sleeves with luxury black paper inserts. Also see Pampa books containing the clearer polyester sleeves.'
These are couple of images I pulled offline of it:

I ordered it from:
I'm really excited to pick it up. I got it delivered to my home address in York because it had to be signed for and there was no guarantee that someone would be home at my flat for it. So I'll be able to collect it Thursday night when I go home. It's a black Prat Pampa display book described as:
Prat Pampa Book with Matt Polypropylene Sleeves 143
'Black or burgundy red bonded leather presentation book. The modular spiral mechanism opens and closes to add or replace sleeves. Soft deluxe bonded leather cover and lappet closure. Black protective cover inside. Includes 20 matt polypropylene sleeves with luxury black paper inserts. Also see Pampa books containing the clearer polyester sleeves.'
These are couple of images I pulled offline of it:

Logo Update
I have been updating my logo again... No change there. I've had a couple of ideas that I wanted to experiment with. My initial design is just my name within a black circle. Simple black and white. Say it how it is. That's me. But then I got into thinking how I am as a designer and not just as a person. I want my logo to say something about me and the way I work. My approach to briefs and my specialism. So, I started experimenting with including some illustrative lines and placing them behind the circle so it appears that they are coming out of the centre.
This was my initial design which I mocked up and too with me to my Bivouac interview in York....
I've carried them about since then, but I'm just not keen on them. They're too fussy and just not what I want. I'm not that fussy so therefore I just don't think they're right for me anymore. I like the concept behind it but just feel it needs to be simplified a little more. Here is the new design which I am now using instead...

At the moment I'm looking into getting them printed up for real and not just mocked up downstairs in digital print. But what I want to do is block foil an area of the new logo on the front. (The cards will still be back to back, with my details on the reverse.) My options will be one of the following:
1) Block foil Liv
2) Block foil the entire circle and swirls
3) Block foil the circle
4) Block foil the entire area behind the logo so there is no white space
At the moment I'm pretty set on option 1. This is because I feel the circle and swirls should all be kept the same colour and not separated. I also feel that block foiling the entire circle and swirls would detract away from the the logo which is 'Liv.' I want the foiling to be subtle, so it is just enough to add that extra touch but not be over powering so that the logo is lost. The only other thing to think about is weight of stock, type of stock and colour of stock. I know I want them to be a minimum of 400gsm, possibly heavier if I can. I also want them matt so that they have a nice feel and contrast well with the block foil.
Type layout development:

I also tried white out type on black and colour but I just don't like it as much as I like black type on white.

I was leaning towards a portrait layout because I like the way the type works on the reverse of that. However, I know that this just wouldn't be appropriate from the logo on the front. The way in which the logo works is set to a landscape format. Anything else, and it would just be lost when scaling down or pulling it about. Therefore I feel I will have to go with a landscape business card.
Logo layout development:

This was the initial logo which I just wanted centered, but it just wasn't working for me. Below are alternative layouts with the new logo I have decided to use.

This is my favourite layout so far and is most likely to be the one I go with.
This was my initial design which I mocked up and too with me to my Bivouac interview in York....
I've carried them about since then, but I'm just not keen on them. They're too fussy and just not what I want. I'm not that fussy so therefore I just don't think they're right for me anymore. I like the concept behind it but just feel it needs to be simplified a little more. Here is the new design which I am now using instead...

At the moment I'm looking into getting them printed up for real and not just mocked up downstairs in digital print. But what I want to do is block foil an area of the new logo on the front. (The cards will still be back to back, with my details on the reverse.) My options will be one of the following:
1) Block foil Liv
2) Block foil the entire circle and swirls
3) Block foil the circle
4) Block foil the entire area behind the logo so there is no white space
At the moment I'm pretty set on option 1. This is because I feel the circle and swirls should all be kept the same colour and not separated. I also feel that block foiling the entire circle and swirls would detract away from the the logo which is 'Liv.' I want the foiling to be subtle, so it is just enough to add that extra touch but not be over powering so that the logo is lost. The only other thing to think about is weight of stock, type of stock and colour of stock. I know I want them to be a minimum of 400gsm, possibly heavier if I can. I also want them matt so that they have a nice feel and contrast well with the block foil.
Type layout development:

I also tried white out type on black and colour but I just don't like it as much as I like black type on white.

I was leaning towards a portrait layout because I like the way the type works on the reverse of that. However, I know that this just wouldn't be appropriate from the logo on the front. The way in which the logo works is set to a landscape format. Anything else, and it would just be lost when scaling down or pulling it about. Therefore I feel I will have to go with a landscape business card.
Logo layout development:

This was the initial logo which I just wanted centered, but it just wasn't working for me. Below are alternative layouts with the new logo I have decided to use.

This is my favourite layout so far and is most likely to be the one I go with.
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