The opportunity for an internship at a design company in York arose recently. I applied and to my surprise got an interview. As I'm from York it seemed the perfect opportunity. The company was Bivouac Design Solutions in Castlegate, York. These are the emails in which I have had in communication with them:
Hi Kate,
Just a quick note to say that I am currently a 3rd year Graphic Design student at Leeds College of Art and would be interested in finding out more about the internship with you at Bivouac. I have attached an up to date CV and I am currently producing an up to date PDF of some of my work. If you would like to have a look, please don't hesitate to ask. Alternatively this is a link to some of my work:
I look forward to hearing back to you at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Olivia Greaves
(+44) 07731831802
Thanks for your email Olivia.
We'll be having a good look this week and will be in touch.
All the best
Kate Pettitt MCSD
Creative Director
Bivouac Limited, Castlegate House, Castlegate, York YO1 9RP
Tel: 01904 679305 | Mobile: 07779 075142 | http://www.bivouac.co.uk
Hello Olivia
Thank you for your internship application.
Your interview will take place at our studio in Castlegate House, York at 4.15pm Wednesday 27th January. Please bring a recent portfolio and any samples of work you think will support your interview. When you get to the studio, just press the Bivouac buzzer by the door and we'll let you in.
The interview is likely to take about 30 minutes and will be carried out by myself and our Studio and Interpretation Manager, Helen Osbond.
We would like you do a fun little project to bring with you to the interview on Wednesday. Please make a little cubic box measuring 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. Decorate that box in any way you feel represents you and put an object in it that has meaning to you. We're not expecting wonders of engineering in the timescale and it's not going to be judged on its finish so there's no need to spend lots of money on printing or materials, but your ideas and approach to the project will tell us a lot about you and will give you something to talk about in the interview. Don't stress about it – have fun with it!
If you have any questions before the interview, just call or email me. If you need to rearrange, please contact me asap.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
Kate Pettitt MCSD
Creative Director
Bivouac Limited, Castlegate House, Castlegate, York YO1 9RP
Tel: 01904 679305 | Mobile: 07779 075142 | http://www.bivouac.co.uk
Hi Olivia
Thank you so much for coming yesterday, and for the effort you put into your box project and portfolio. It was lovely to meet you and to talk through your work with you.
Unfortunately, we have decided to offer the internship to someone else on this occasion. Your portfolio showed strong illustration work, which you are obviously passionate about (and good at), you came across as very well verbally, and we liked your little box, but we didn't see the evidence of layout and typography skills that we need for the work we would be asking you to do during the internship. We would suggest you to develop that side of your portfolio further before you look for work at the end of your course, even if you have to set a few projects for yourself, as employers will be looking for it. It would give your portfolio more variety and prove to a potential employer that you are a good all-rounder, which is essential, particularly in a small studio and in the current economic climate.
We would encourage you to stay in touch with us, and keep us informed of your progress. You are welcome to come for a portfolio review any time you like – just phone first to arrange a good time. We are keen to help talented students, so just pick up the phone if you need any advice or have any questions during your course and we will be happy to help.
I will be sending a cheque to cover your travel expenses to the address on your CV, so you're not out of pocket (I was a student once, many moons ago, and remember what it's like!).
Thanks again for your time and effort, and all the very best with the course and final major project. I look forward to seeing how you progress, and what you do next.
Kate Pettitt MCSD
Creative Director
Bivouac Limited, Castlegate House, Castlegate, York YO1 9RP
Tel: 01904 679305 | Mobile: 07779 075142 | http://www.bivouac.co.uk
Although I didn't get the internship, I didn't feel too disappointed and was really pleased I went along anyway for the experience. It wasn't as daunting as I thought it would be and the two women that interviewed me were both really nice and welcoming. They took a long while looking through my printed portfolio and asked questions about my work. I also took along a digital version of my portfolio which I had recently just finished updating for them to keep and some business cards. They took the business cards straight away and had a good look. It is true that all designers like to touch and play with print based products! I also enjoyed doing the little design brief they asked me to bring along and made a concertina fill and on the outside covered my box with sheet music and my logo stickers. I plan to stay in touch with them and take them up on the offer of my portfolio review. All in all a great experience.
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